
This Talent Whisperers’ blog aims to provider leaders with alternate perspectives and insights that help evoke Human Transformation in themselves and those they lead. The perspectives were arrived at through years of experience, observation and learning. That learning is kept current through ongoing experience, observation and through researched books on relevant topics.\

10x Engineer Root Cause

What is the root cause of a 10x engineer? Are “10x Engineers” mythical creatures that exist only in our imagination or are they real?

Weathering Storms

Weathering Storms is the secret to startup success. There may be paradigm shifts in the market or the economy, your product-market-fit hypothesis may have been wrong, or there could be a pandemic.

Generative AI

Generative AI is here and growing very fast. A quick overview of why you should be paying attention.

New Hires

New hires present the best opportunityto put employees on their path to achieve their greatest potential. There are three very impactful people in determining the joy, success and fulfillment an employee finds in their job…

New Managers

In developing talent within an organization, there are times where an individual contributor , often one that has excelled as an engineer, may be interested in becoming a manager.

Building Bridges

This “Building Bridges“ question is from my list of interview questions I for a Product Manager role. However, it can also be used for an Engineering leadership role… If, as a product manager, you wanted to have engineering build a bridge, how would you convey that to engineering? If it’s an engineering manager or director…

Radical Candor

Radical Candor is an overlooked asset in creating high-performance teams when that candor is built upon a foundation of trust. I’ve discovered that evoking transformation can often require radical candor. However, when properly applied, the transformation can resemble a metamorphosis.

Data: Trust but Clarify

Trust but Clarify is a valuable practice often overlooked in analyzing data. We may follow best practices for bringing the most value to customers. Yet, we may still go awry if we simply follow principle and trust completely what the data is telling us. In his book, The Lean Startup, Eric Ries writes about the…

Lean Out / Lean in

The WEF estimates that it will take the U.S. another 208 years to reach gender equality. So, women and minorities may need to lean in for some time. As leaders though, we should lean out to create space so others may lean in.

Talent Code Applied

In Talent Code, Daniel Coyle describes deep learning via short repetitions, feedback loops. I have applied this approach in coaching sports and in business.

Confidence Villains

Leaders inspire people to persevere in the face of adversity and ultimately derive energy from the challenge of confronting their villains.

The Dark Side of Agile

Along with the virtues of Agile Software Development also can come some destructive downsides that can erode trust and effectiveness within your company culture. I recently attended a 3-day Scrum certification class where the founder of the particular methodology was the instructor. He insisted that managers not participate in standup meetings, planning meetings, grooming sessions,…

Death Crawl

Lessons from the inspirational Death Crawl scene of Facing the Giants are applicable to various forms of leadership.

Vectors of Influence

Vectors of Influence come from all sides in a changing world and tension easily arises that hinder effective Human Transformation.

Handling Interrupts

Handling interrupts can be a draining burden for any team that is responsible for existing systems. If that team is also iterating on those systems to enhance and/or improve them, this impacts the ability to plan.

Lean Staffing – It’s about the People

The notion of Lean Staffing is best paired with the concept of The Lean Startup. He describes it in his book The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Eric Ries speaks of startup lessons learned at IMVU and from ther companies he came to know afterwards including Intuit.…

Start with Trust

Start with trust to set the foundations of a relationships when a new person joins your team. The first impression you make on them sets the foundation for the rest of your journey together.

The Room Where it Happens

As leaders, much of the magic happens in the one-on-one conversations either in the privacy of a physical of virtual room (think Skype or Zoom) or on a walk-about as a more neutral setting and where you also benefit from the energy of being in Motion. These conversations should sometimes be as non-threatening as a…

Where to Begin the Journey?

When a new person joins your team, the first impression you make on them sets the foundation for the rest of your journey together. So, the question arises: Where to Begin the Journey? Before you impress upon them your intentions and objectives as a leader, you should first establish with yourself what you believe to…

Aliens as Customers

Imagine you had aliens as customers. From my experience, this is much better than assuming we know them well and completely understand what would best serve them. If they are alien to you: Start Small and Iterate build-measure-learn Get to MVP quickly. Validate by testing variants. Use small steps to continuously innovate and iterate to…


Perspectives are helpful when facing a big, life decision with multiple aspects at play.

Embrace the Challenge

After riding the dot com wave as VP, Engineering for the fastest growing software company on NASDAQ, I decided to embrace the challenge to give back by getting my teaching credentials at San Jose State. I walked by this statue commemorating Tommie Smith and John Carlos’ brave protest at the 1968 Olympics on my way…

Orange Observations

I devised this Orange Observations exercise in my efforts to inspire my students to be observant.


Powerful Questions and Active Listening enable more meaningful, effective and mindful one-on-one conversations.

Why are 10xers so rare?

Why are 10xers so rare if so much thought has been given into what makes a 10xer and what cultivates a Growth Mindset. Why are these Waldos so rare and hard to find? If we imagine that excelling, succeeding, finding happiness is basically a choice, then why aren’t we all enjoying being there? Perhaps because…


Telling someone that they are amazing, naturally creative, resourceful and whole with unbounded potential is NOT an acknowledgement.

Heart Rate Meditation

There are advantages for mind, body and soul to being calm oneself to be more present and aware. Much of the guidance on meditation starts with focusing on the breath. I found it to be more effective to practice Heart Rate Meditation by focusing via direct feedback. Also, a key to consciously changing your heart…

Building Collaborative Groups with Broken Squares

In his book The Culture Code – The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups, Daniel Coyle refers to a competition at Stanford where business students in university squared off against kindergartners. The four-person teams had to beat the clock and build a tower using uncooked spaghetti, tape and string with a marshmallow on top. You would…

Role Models

Inspiration, curiosity and drive for someone with a growth mindset can be sparked or fed by role models. Here are just a few of the many role models that inspired me If we consider the possibility that the potential lies within each of us to be a Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Malala…

Teach Someone to Teach

Give someone a fish, and you feed them for a day. Teach someone to fish, and you feed them for as long as fish are at their fishing spot. Teach someone to learn, and they may discover that they can themselves … – find other fishing spots – – learn to hunt – – build…

Level 5 Leading

I like to framing styles of leadership as I see them in the fish story. I’m adding a level 5 here that is not as easy to grasp as the others: Level 3 and above leadership empowers, inspires, grows and scales teams and organizations. Level 1 and 2 leadership often leads to under-utilize or diminish…

Radical Candor in the Mirror

Radical Candor in the Mirror is about not being delusional or self-destructive. Instead, it’s about recognizing opportunities for continuous growth within ourselves. It’s about positive self-reflection. When we think of looking in the mirror, we often think of Narcissism. This is Delusional Self-Love and seeing ourselves as far better and above all others with no…

Radiant Energy

The radiant energy that filled on a chance encounter with the Dalai Lama 40+ years remains with me to this day.

Making Rules

My first early childhood education exercise was to go to a pre-school where a teacher was having particular trouble with three very disruptive boys she could not get under control. She hoped just to get a day of relief by having me take them for the day. I approached the boys and told them that…

The Path to Enlightenment

The path to enlightenment lies not in the footsteps of another. – CD In developing talent, it is important to help them learn to find their own path that not only resonates with them, but that is also appropriate for the unique experiences they will come upon in their path. When I interview someone who…


In Relentless – From Good to Great to Unstoppable, personal trainer Tim Grover explains what he has learned from coaching athletes like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade. Grover breaks down what it takes to be unstoppable, keep going when everyone else is giving up, to thrive under pressure, to never let your emotions make…

Content Strategy – Content Types

Content Strategy seems to revolve around at least nine types or concepts of content that I’ve come up with in the purposes they serve as part of a user experience. This is what I walked away with after our oldest, Tasha, tried to explain Content Strategy and Content Types to me which led me to…

Unconscious Bias / Privilege

Unconscious Bias and Privilege are things that are easy to claim we don’t have. The City Bus metaphors may help us wake up.

Bird’s-Eye View

The bird’s-eye view of myself came early for me leading to more Out-of-Body experiences and living and coaching from an elevated perspective.

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